Why I Write So LITTLE?
In Louis L’Amour’s personal journal he wrote the following entry in October of 1986:
“People wonder how I write so much. I wonder why I write so little. People suggest stories when my brain is loaded with stories . . . and [I] would be telling them by the roadside if not with a typewriter . . . my study is filled with fragments of stories. I have just read one, a few pages written long ago of a man who survived a terrible disaster to the earth, something like when the mammoths were frozen, some with grass undigested in their stomachs. This man was in the far north and survived, stayed away from cities. Good story there, may never find the time to write it. “
Inspired by the mystery of the “Berezovka Mammoth,” which had been discovered in Siberia around the turn of the Century (1900). The Berezovka Mammoth was found with grass in its teeth and mouth suggesting that it had died and been frozen fairly suddenly. We found the fragment and named it THE FREEZE and you can read it in Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2.