I’ve Come Home
In the Fall of 1985, Louis L’Amour and wife Kathy L’Amour, take time to bask in the glow of the golden aspen leaves and morning sun. In the Sackett novel GALLOWAY, (www.louislamour.com/novels/galloway.htm) Louis expressed these feelings in the following way:
“I want to come out of a morning and look up at those hills and know nothing can be very wrong as long as there’s something so beautiful.
My pa used to say that when corruption is visited upon the cities of men, the mountains and the deserts await him. The cities are for money but the high-up hills are purely for the soul.
I figure to live out my life right here where I can hear the water run and see the aspen leaves turn gold in the autumn and come green again with spring. I want to wake up in the morning and see my own cattle feeding on the meadow, and hear the horses stomping in their stalls. I never had much chance for book learnin’, but this here is a kind of book anybody can read who’ll stand still long enough. This here is the La Plata country, and I’ve come home.”